Human Rights

Respecting and promoting universal standards in our operations and supply chains

Though Bunge does not own farms or plantations, we recognize the possibility of negative human rights impacts in our supply chain and take our responsibility to respect human rights very seriously. As a global company we believe that we can play a positive role in advancing the well-being of our employees, customers, people working in our supply chains and in the communities where we operate. 

Advancing our Human Rights Strategy

Bunge is committed to respecting and promoting universally accepted standards of human rights within our operations and across our supply chains.

The Bunge Values set the foundation for who we are and how we operate, including our value to Do What’s Right by acting safely, ethically and sustainably. Our work to operationalize our commitment to respect human rights is grounded in our global Human Rights Policy.

Green icon of globe


Year of Bunge's New Human Rights Policy

Smiling worker carrying palm seeds

Human Rights Policy

Our human rights policy was developed in 2023 in a consultative manner and includes feedback received from dialogue with internal and external stakeholders. Our policy makes clear our commitment to respecting human rights consistent with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, International Bill of Human Rights, and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our Human Rights Policy builds on and replaces our Global Labor Policy.
close up of two works shaking hands

Code of Conduct

Although Bunge does not own farms or plantations, the possibility of human rights violations in our supply chain is taken very seriously. Bunge expects our all supply chain and business partners to adhere to the principles in its Code of Conduct, including the commitment to uphold human rights, to treat their employees with dignity and respect and to comply with applicable employment laws.

Modern Slavery Statements

We have made progress addressing modern slavery risks over the last year and remain committed to continually improving our policies and practices relating to modern slavery going forward.

2023 Modern Slavery Statement

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2024 Modern Slavery Statement

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